Considering writing Android apps? Here’s what you need now

AndroidLogoNoTitleNow that I outlined what a developer needs to make iOS Apps, I thought I’d do the same thing for Android.

Q: What hardware do I need to develop for Android?

A: Unlike developing for iOS, someone can use almost any type of computer (Linux, Mac, Windows) that has the capability to have at least 1 Gigabyte of RAM.

Q: What about software?
A: Even though their are different environments to program for Android, I like programming in a Graphic Users Interface (GUI).  I recommend a program called Eclipse which you can download for free here.  But to make it even easier, Google has finally combined everything you need in one convenient archive.  For more information, click here.

Q: What language(s) do I need to learn?
A: First, since you use Java to write Android apps, learn that first without even thinking about developing for Android.  After that’s done, then you’ll learn how the Android Framework works, and what you have to do to combine the two languages in one.  It’s not easy, so take your time and most of all, have fun.

Q: Where can I go for books to learn?
A:  As with everything else, I use for all of my books and learning materials.  Just click here to get started.

Q: When I am ready to upload my app to the public, where do I go?
A:  Just go to  They have all of the information you’ll need.

With these simple steps, you can be on your way to becoming an Android/Java programmer.